Welcome πŸ‘‹

Welcome to the documentation for all of Hedge's products and services.

Hit some hurdles in your workflow? Try searching our docs, they're quite extensive.

Can't find what you need? Or just plain stuck? Reach out, we're happy to help: hello@hedge.video

Support Hours

We're open for support on weekdays for quite a wide range of hours. You can email us about anything 24/7, and you'll likely get a fast reply if it's between 9 AM CET and 6 PM ET.

By extension, that means you will not receive a reply between 6 PM ET (midnight CET, 3 PM PT) and 9 AM CET. No need to send us reminders during those hours; we'll be sleeping. Rest assured, you'll receive our attention first thing in the (European) morning.

We don't guarantee a reply within 24 hours, but it has rarely happened that we were not able to send a reply within a fraction of that. Our response time is typically under an hour, with 90% of emails responded to within minutes. If you don't get an email within that timeframe, it means we're busy.

Please don't email us to ask if we received your email if you didn't get a response within 24 hours, as that will only add to the response time as we then suddenly have two emails waiting for a reply 😁


During weekends, we monitor our inboxes but only handle requests we classify as blockers: issues that prevent you from working, not being able to log in to one of our services, not receiving your shiny new license key, etc.

During these hours, we can't guarantee response times will be within an hour. Weekend support is a courtesy, not a privilege.

If you run into an issue during the weekend, be sure to check the documentation first. As said, any non-blocker emails are snoozed until Monday morning CET - then you'll be the first.

Last updated